How we work.

Small teams working on big challenges in honest collaboration with our clients.


The first step of our process is that we listen to our clients in great detail. The objective is to completely comprehend the business need of our client, the objectives they want to achieve, what complementary motives they have and what changes are taking place in the environment within which they operate. We begin this step by conducting interviews with stakeholder and review of internal strategy documents.


Buraqsys Studio possesses one of the most extensive planning and strategy formulation capabilities in the Pakistani digital media agency. The comprehensive planning process at Buraqsys Studio turns research into a detailed set of consumer insights. From this research we project user personas and anticipate outcomes of various scenarios. The plan is highly useful since it contributes information about the strategic vision of digital marketing efforts.


Create and Iterate

The third phase is development of creative concepts to support the overall marketing strategy of the organization. This is not a one-time activity, rather it is an iterative approach involving toying with different alternatives, throwing out those elements which does not seem to click (sometimes even starting over again) until we come up with a creative solution which just fits the strategy and objectives.


It is the implementation phase when the creative concept that has been refined the previous stage is executed into a full-fledged digital marketing campaign. Implementation is not merely an isolated action. Implementation comprises of a complex set of work-streams during which interaction takes place between design, technology, content and production.


Buraqsys Studio’s team put a lot of efforts into ensuring that every single activity that has been carried out by us for our clients is measures through Key Performance Indicators. We need to be sure that the marketing spend and efforts actually bear results for the client. This measuring activity should not be difficult and time consuming. For this reason, we make interactive online dashboards for our clients which are easy to use. Thus, our customers are empowered to judge the effectiveness of our contribution. Buraqsys Studio’s work also includes evaluating customer relationship management through which customer data profiles to create much better content and to adopt much better approach in future campaigns.


Once measurement of digital marketing campaigns has been carried out, positive actions are taken to further strengthen the campaign to meet predefined objectives. Even more importantly, campaigns evolve according to the changes taking place in the external environment so that performance of digital marketing can be enriched over time. By continuously measuring and evolving the campaigns, the ROI on marketing efforts is improved in a comprehensive manner over time.